Jülich online radio


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Elton John Elton John Dua Lipa Dua Lipa Ariana Grande Ariana Grande FANTASY FANTASY Sunrise Sunrise TEDDY SWIMS TEDDY SWIMS
Mickie Krause
Daniela Alfinito
Ernst Mosch und seine Original Egerländer Musikanten
Die Schlagerpiloten
G.G. Anderson
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Earlier on air

Osty - Не Лякай Men Without Hats - Safety Dance
Malkit Singh - Gur Nalon Ishq Mitha
RioromaVEVO - Río Roma
Fito Paez - El amor despues del amor
Luciano Pereyra - Si Te Vas
Baccara - The Devil Sent You To Laredo
Cher - The Shoop Shoop Song dither, angerfist - the fist and the hammer Marga Sol - Violet Colors

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