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The Beatles The Beatles Earth, Wind & Fire Earth, Wind & Fire Michael Jackson Michael Jackson Pink Pink Dua Lipa Dua Lipa Elvis Presley Elvis Presley Ed Sheeran Ed Sheeran Faithless Faithless Tony Scott Tony Scott Douwe Bob Douwe Bob TEDDY SWIMS TEDDY SWIMS

Earlier on air

The Major Dundee Band - The Longer The Distance Teddy Swims - Lose Control
Chrystian & Ralf - Mande A Solidao Pra Outro Lugar
David Bowie - Cat People
Streaplers - Vadå Hurså
Herrey`s - Diggi Loo, Diggi Ley
Alan Walker/Daya/Amice - Heart Over Mind
Mesut Süre - Rabarba
The Motans - Cel Din Oglinda
Odyssey feat. Amara Abonta - Alive

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