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The Best Songs Ever Made!

That 70's Channel
The Biggest Hits of the 70's

50 Years of Hits

Philly Funk Radio WPMR-DB
Classic R&B, Disco and pure 80's Funk

WHPC 90.3 FM
The Voice of Nassau Community College

Ken Versa's Power Hit Radio
The Power Of All Hit Music

Pat Paradise Rock Station
24/7 Rock Tunes!

1000 HITS Sweet Radio
50х-60х-70х-80х-90х-00х... Музыка в вашей жизни...Non Stop!

Radio Jazz
Бути собою

The weekend start here !

O prazer de ouvir uma boa música

Radio Nowy Świat
Pion i poziom!

Radio Baobab
Na antenie rozgłośni dominuje muzyka blues

Gdynia Radio
Internetowe radio nadające dla Trójmiasta, Pomorza i nie tylko!

Oldies Internet Radio
The soft side of the Oldies

Rádio Lobal FM
O Mundo Em Suas Mãos

Escucha abcrockrdio y vive los 60`s 70`s, 80`s, 90&`s y más

Curtin Radio
A Lifetime of Music

Sunshine FM 104.9
The Sunshine Coast’s radio station

The Breeze 100.6
More music, less talk

Vintage FM
It Is All About the Music

Radio QDX
Timeless Rock and Roll

Rock N Roll Oldies Radio
Rock, Pop, Soul Oldies! Cool!!

P9 Retro
Den beste musikken fra 60- og 70-tallet.

Radio Veronica
Het station met alleen maar échte muziek

Radio Nostalgia
Your oldies station