2BACR 100.9FM poslouchejte online

2BACR 100.9fm is your local community radio station bringing you great music, sports, news and a diverse range of programs. Have a look at our ... See more album "Programs" for program content. Tune in to 2bacr 100.9fm!Welcome to 2BACR, your local community radio station. We bring you great music, sports, news and a diverse range of programs.Go to www.2bacr.com

2BACR Mission as a Community Radio Station is to entertain as well as educate our listening audience. We aim to provide a vibrant, community focused and broadly inclusive radio station for the Bankstown - Auburn community that delivers in both the English language and other Ethnic languages based on the demographics of the broadcast license area.

We aim to be a Community Radio station that:

Enlivens the culture and social climate of the license area

Is high quality

Is participative

Has a community perspective

Is responsive to the needs of the community

Provides a forum to discuss current issues

Fosters links between all community groups within the area

Is artistically diverse

Has informative and educational programming

BACR radio has an emphasis on, and actively encourages local content including current issues that affect community members of the license area, broadcasting local music talent and cultural activities/events.

It strives to broadcast fresh, creative, informative and intelligent programming for our listeners and cater for both English and Ethnic languages wihtout discrimination.


To present original, rich and diverse programs of music and other forms of expresion free from the direct constraints of commercial interests without prejudice.

To provide the community with a significant alternative to other broadcast media within the station's service area.

To provide entertaining music, educational and public affairs programming and information on issues and events of interest to the community in English and Ethnic languages based on the needs of the local community.

Kontakty na rozhlasovou stanici

Email: admin@2bacr.com.au
Telefon: +02 9793 1009
Adresa: Shop 1 , 78 Cahors Road , PADSTOW NSW 2211
Webová stránka: www.2bacr.com
Facebook: @2BACR100.9FM

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Žánry: pop news talk sports

Děkuji. Vaše recenze byla přidána a po kontrole bude zveřejněna.


Jason Oliver, před 3 roky
shouts to Rhymzey bruz! haha
Allanah Pearce, před 3 roky
Lovin it guys this is some great stuff
Rob Cutrie, před 3 roky
Loving The 90s to now show.Great Music.
Gregory Noyes, před 3 roky
This is my Local Community Radio choice.
Joey Anderson, před 3 roky
The Beat is great 12:00- 6am
James Corben, před 3 roky
Garry Ryan, před 3 roky
coming through nice and clear here in Orange :)
Star Tributes Kash, před 3 roky
Cheers..! Alan Kash...lidcombe country singer
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