FM107.5 poslouchejte online

We are an independent community radio station broadcasting to Orange and the surrounding areas. FM107.5 is run entirely by volunteers and provides listeners with a wide variety of programs to suit everyone’s taste.
FM107.5 was originally known as Orange FM, and operated under a temporary community radio broadcasting licence in the 1980s and most of the 1990s.The current station gained its full community broadcasting licence in January 1998. The station survived an insolvency scare in 2001.

Kontakty na rozhlasovou stanici

Telefon: +61 2 6361 8877;
Adresa: 77 Kite Street Orange, NSW 2800
Webová stránka:
Facebook: @fm1075orange

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Žánry: pop news talk

Děkuji. Vaše recenze byla přidána a po kontrole bude zveřejněna.


Carolyn Martin, před 3 roky
Loved those songs by Rob Dinning , Rob Rogers and Gerry Barrett would love to hear more....please. Carolyn
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