Wyn FM poslouchejte online

88.9 WYN FM was established in 1995 as community radio station to serve the City of Wyndham and surrounding areas. The station obtained its permanent broadcasting licence in July 2001.
The concept is to provide the listeners with an alternative to mainstream radio. WYN FM is entirely a volunteer-based project operated on behalf of and for the community.

The studios of WYN-FM is located on the Victoria University Werribee Campus in the City of Wyndham. The City of Wyndham is the fastest growing of metropolitan Melbourne’s growth corridors and WYN-FM is committed to establishing itself as a quality radio broadcaster presenting a range of programs that meets the changing needs of our community.

Kontakty na rozhlasovou stanici

Email: wynfm@wynfm.org.au
Telefon: +(+613) 99198089
Adresa: PO Box 155, Werribee, VIC 3030
Webová stránka: www.wynfm.org.au
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/88.9wynfm

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