Ted FM poslouchejte online
Ted FM is a Classic Hits radio station entertaining listeners in a 100 square mile radius of Jamestown and Valley City, ND.
For those looking for Ted-FM- we have moved to a new frequency! In Jamestown, tune to 97.1, in Valley City we are still on 102.7. AND, if you have a high definition radio- tune to 103.1 channel 2.
Kontakty na rozhlasovou stanici
Telefon: (701)252-1400
Adresa: 136 Central Avenue North Valley City, ND 58072
Webová stránka: www.newsdakota.com
Facebook: @TedFmNd
Twitter: @NewsDakota
Adresa: 136 Central Avenue North Valley City, ND 58072
Webová stránka: www.newsdakota.com
Facebook: @TedFmNd
Twitter: @NewsDakota
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