100.9 EXtreme Independent Radio poslouchejte online
The mission of 100.9 WXIR-LP is to provide City residents with community-focused radio programming with youth outreach, as a focus.
WXIR-LP is a low power FM radio station on frequency 100.9 in Rochester, NY. Its goal is to serve underrepresented communities through radio programming submitted by volunteer radio hosts and DJs. WXIR-LP is owned and operated through RCTV Media Center.
Kontakty na rozhlasovou stanici
Email: wxir@rctvmedia.org
Telefon: +1 585-325-1238
Adresa: 125 St Bridgets Dr, Rochester, NY 14605, США
Webová stránka: 1009wxir.com
Facebook: @1009WXIR
Telefon: +1 585-325-1238
Adresa: 125 St Bridgets Dr, Rochester, NY 14605, США
Webová stránka: 1009wxir.com
Facebook: @1009WXIR
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