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Free Radio Birmingham is an Independent Local Radio station serving the Birmingham, Coventry, Shropshire and Black Country Herefordshire and Worcestershire areas, broadcasting on medium wave and DAB. The station, owned and operated by Bauer Radio, was launched on Monday 4 September 2012, and plays a selection of chart hits from the 1980s alongside local news and sports coverage.

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Telefon: 0330 66 00 964
Adresse: Nine Brindleyplace 4 Oozells Square Birmingham B1 2DJ
Instagram: @wearefreeradio
Facebook: @wearefreeradio
Twitter: @wearefreeradio
Reception: +44 121 566 5200

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Rothna Begum, vor 3 Jahren
Great radio crews awesome great work guys.
Maurice Hiden, vor 3 Jahren
great station
Елена Кислица, vor 3 Jahren
Отличное радио! Спасибо за позитив и теплые воспоминания о молодости и заодно помогает совершенствовать английский язык! Санкт-Петербург, Россия.
Chris Berry, vor 3 Jahren
Good station but the competitions are very dodgy. It seems like you need to have a womb to win on this station.
sandra harvey, vor 3 Jahren
Love this station so much
Scarlet Jei Saoirse, vor 3 Jahren
❤️ From Seattle USA

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