The Foundry FM online hören

Foundry FM Niteclub Radio
The First of its Kind in Ireland!Tune in and listen to live streams from the club or day-time Foundry FM.
The Foundry’s play list includes the very best in commercial music and caters to everyone’s needs. The nightclub has 5 resident D.Js including D.J Michael Byrne, Today FM’s D.J Bob Conway, D.J Matt Givens, D.J Mark Collins and D.J Gerry Cormicken. It has also hosted National D.Js Ray Shah, Mr. Spring and Nicky Hayes.


Telefon: +353 59 913 3111
Adresse: The Foundry Nightclub Carlow, Tullow St., Carlow, Ireland
Facebook: @TheFoundryNightclubCarlow
Twitter: @FoundryCarlow

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