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College Underground Radio

College Underground Radio

Underground and Independent Music

College Underground Radio broadcasts worldwide, twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. College Underground Radio plays all Genres like Rock, Hip Hop, Alternative, R & B, Rap, Country, Dance, plus alot more!

College Underground Radio has become the #1 source globally for DISCOVERING NEW MUSIC. Playing a variety of unsigned and slightly signed underground, undiscovered, and independent artists, bands and Radio Shows. We are opening markets for unsigned bands and artist to expose them to the world.

College Underground Radio plays a variety of genres: Rock, Hip Hop, R&B, Rap, Country, EDM, Alternative and many other genres.

Our mission to become your "go to" internet radio station for undiscovered, underground and independent artists, bands and radio shows. We pay attention to our listeners and website visitors suggestions, ideas and requests. The music playlist focuses mainly on your artist and song requests. Our content and programming are created through your ideas and suggestions. It is our intent to be an internet radio station that you not only want to listen to but, would want to refer to your friends.

College Underground Radio went live March 1, 2010 and since had over 2.6 Million global station visitors and listeners in more than 90 countries.

August 2010, College Underground Radio became the first multi-unit Internet Radio Station Chain in the world with the opening of local internet radio stations. Through our listeners and website visitors input, we continue to grow and build an exciting radio format and concept that does not exist in the internet radio world. Please, Contact Us with your thoughts, comments and ideas.


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