B4B Radio - Disco Funk listen live

Funk, Dance, Disco, toutes les légendes de la Dance-Music des années 80s.
Funk, Dance, Disco , all the legends of the Dance-Music 80s. Shalamar, Barry White, The Whispers, Kool and the gang, Jocelyn Brown, all your best memories of the 80 clubs are on B4B Radio Funk & Disco.


Email: batrel@b4bradio.com
Address: 35 bis rue Louis Philippe, Île-de-France, Paris
Website: www.b4bradio.com
Facebook: @b4bradionetwork
Twitter: @radiob4b

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Genres: disco dance funk

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Tina Ewers, 3 years ago
Super Funk & Soul wie in meiner Jugend, damit bin ich groß geworden
Roberto Bueno, 3 years ago
Qualidade extrema, música de qualidade, da gosto de ouvir.
Robert Bertrand, 3 years ago
J'aime bien sans comprendre l'anglais !. Un Belge .