Dengarkan KING-FM 98.1 online

At home, at work or in the car, KING FM is there 24/7 with intelligent, accessible music. Relaxing, yet invigorating. This is music worth sharing Classical 98.1 will actively grow, diversify, and enrich the love of Classical Music in our community by providing a voice for classical music and the arts. Since transitioning in 2011 to a classical public radio station, Classical KING FM has a stronger operating model, richer programming, and more focus on community partnerships. Thanks to the commercial-free format, the station plays an additional three hours of music every day. Longer pieces can be played without interruption, and nearly 100 live and local broadcasts can be aired annually.

Kontak stasiun radio

Telepon: (206) 691-2981
Fax: (206) 691-2982
Alamat: 10 Harrison Street Suite 100 Seattle, WA 98109
Instagram: @classicalkingfm
Free: (888) 598-9810


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