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WMOB "Mobile's Christian Voice" 1360 AM Mobile, Alabama reaching the Mobile Bay and Gulfcoast area's on the air 24 hours a day

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Telepon: (251)432-1360
Alamat: P. O. Box 63 Mobile, AL 36601

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Fee Fee Walker, 4 tahun yang lalu
Love listening to The Way The TRUTH and the Life Holiness Church
La'Shawn Campbell, 4 tahun yang lalu
Pastor Jessie is and awesome woman of God. May God continue to bless u
kenyata nash, 4 tahun yang lalu
Isiah 53 holiness church speak truth straight from the Bible they don’t add or take away anything
Jaye P, 4 tahun yang lalu
I lift up Jesus for his holy ghost filled ministers. Its by the power if the holy ghodt that we can rejoice in the truth!
Angel Watson, 4 tahun yang lalu
Isaiah 53 holiness church is the best all pastor mccarrol in mother mccarrol do is speak the truth....
Rikki Packer, 4 tahun yang lalu
I love listening to Apostle John E. Sledge , Sr. every Saturday on 1360 telling the truth, the whole truth, & nothing but the truth. I thank God for making it possible to hear the word come forth over the air also. Keep preaching. & pestering. Apost...
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