1 Radio.FM - Pop ascolta la diretta

1Radio.FM was created by Michael Carroll & Sean Carroll in 2008 with an aim to give original musicians & song writers a platform to promote their original songs to a world wide audience.
Dont forget to tune into 1Radio.FM, We regularly add new songs & artists daily, If your an original artists or in an original band send us your songs

Dont forget to tune into 1Radio.FM, We regularly add new songs & artists daily, If your an original artists or in an original band send us your songs
Over the last 8 years we have recieved submissions from and played many Bandss & Artists from many countries from every continent on earth. Many Music Scouts & Record Lables frequenty listen to 1Radio.FM looking for their next big recording artist. Our station(s) continue to grow thanks to our loyal listener base & the because of the music submitted to us by the many wonderful bands and artists in our playlists

Contatti della stazione radio

Email: info@1radio.fm
Sito web: www.1radio.fm
Facebook: @pg/1radio.fm

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Generi: pop

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