Radio Monte Kanate ascolta la diretta

Radio Monte Kanate was born in July of 1976, it can be considered undoubtedly the second Italian radio. Radio Monte Kanate is the first of its kind in Italy to have adopted in dance music programs, more commonly referred to smooth music. Radio Monte Kanate have the distinction of being the first Italian radio to go in stereo.

Contatti della stazione radio

Telefono: +0524 573449, 0524 575849
Indirizzo: 43039 Salsomaggiore Terme (Pr) Via Contignaco, 78
Sito web:
Twitter: @kanateradio

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Generi: dance italian

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Graziella Tirelli, 3 anni fa
Finalmente sono riuscita , ad accedere sul computer e domani proverò sul cellulare. Grazie della guida.......Vittorio.
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