Raukawa FM ascolta la diretta

We are an Iwi Radio Station located in the South Waikato Area here in the heart of Tokoroa.
Also Know as "Tok (pronounced toke) Town"

Emare-Rose Nikora (right) temporarily stepped out of Kohanga in 1990 to establish the Raukawa Trustboard and went on to establish the Raukawa Radio Station in 1990. Te Reo Irirangi O Ngati Raukawa began broadcasting on 23 of October 1990, with keen motivated people that were determind on making this a radio station that people would want to listen, learn and contribute to.

Contatti della stazione radio

Email: office@raukawafm.com
Telefono: +64 508 728 5292
Indirizzo: 9-11 O'Sullivan Drive Tokoroa, New Zealand 3420
Sito web: www.raukawafm.co.nz
Facebook: @raukawafm

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