Wave FM ascolta la diretta

What listeners can expect is a clean, clutter free radio station with a true emphasis on the music. The mix itself is a fusion of Hip Hop, new releases, oldies, upcoming artist and Reggae. With limited commercial breaks and reduced talk, you can truly enjoy a radio station that surpasses your musical expectations.
We have attempted to perfect the formula to create a clean sound on the airwaves and satisfy our listeners and clients. We deliver results and add value to our client’s promotions, and to top it off we deliver to an audience with the spending power.

Contatti della stazione radio

Email: wavefmstudio@gmail.com
Telefono: +27 72 470 7194
Sito web: wavefm.co.za
Facebook: @Wave-fm-radio-2122881241294672

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Generi: pop 70s 60s 50s 80s oldies 90s

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