4NPR - Black Star Network słuchaj online
Black Star is a network of Indigenous Community Radio Stations serving the Cape York and Gulf areas of Queensland. Coordinated through the Queensland Remote Aboriginal Media Association (QRAM) based in Cairns. You will hear a well produced selection of music styles, news,weather and Local Information. This is a modern approach to media in remote Queensland and it is of general appeal.
Email: reception@qram.com.au
Telefon: +0740325022
Adres: PO Box 1164N, CAIRNS Nth, QLD 4870
Strona: qram.com.au/blackstar
Facebook: @blackstarradioqld
Telefon: +0740325022
Adres: PO Box 1164N, CAIRNS Nth, QLD 4870
Strona: qram.com.au/blackstar
Facebook: @blackstarradioqld
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