Rouge FM słuchaj online
Rouge FM 107.5 - CITF-FM is a broadcast radio station in Canada, providing Top 40 Adult Contemporary Pop and Rock music as the flagship station for the Rouge FM radio network, which broadcasts on a variety of frequencies across Quebec and Ontario, Canada.
All Rouge FM stations broadcast in the same markets as Bell's contemporary hit radio network, Énergie, although that network also has a few stations in markets not served by Rouge FM.
Information about the radio
Rouge FM is a network of French-language adult contemporary radio stations broadcasting throughout Quebec, Canada. Established in 1990 as RockDétente, they are owned by Bell Media.All Rouge FM stations broadcast in the same markets as Bell's contemporary hit radio network, Énergie, although that network also has a few stations in markets not served by Rouge FM.
Telefon: en studio: +1 418-670-1075, reception: +1 418-687-9900
Adres: 900, rue d'Youville 1er étage Québec QC G1R 3P7
Instagram: @107.5_rouge
Facebook: @1075Rougefm
Twitter: @1075rouge
Telefon: en studio: +1 418-670-1075, reception: +1 418-687-9900
Adres: 900, rue d'Youville 1er étage Québec QC G1R 3P7
Instagram: @107.5_rouge
Facebook: @1075Rougefm
Twitter: @1075rouge
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