Radio Swiss Jazz słuchaj online

Radio Swiss Jazz
24h Jazz, Soul und Blues
Radio Swiss Jazz - 24h Jazz, Soul und Blues.Werbefreies Jazz- und Kulturradio der SRG SSR idée suisse, in der Schweiz auf Kabel und DAB, in Europa auf Satellit Astra digital empfangbar.
Radio Swiss Jazz is the perfect musical companion: swinging standards from the «Great American Songbook» as well as gems of innovative bebop instrumentalists, supplemented with Black and World Music, result in the ideal non-stop mix for any time of day or night.
Special features:
The programme «Jazz Made in Switzerland» is dedicated to Swiss jazz every day from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.
The «Jazz for Dinner» programme offers classical jazz every day from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. for a relaxing evening alone, in pairs or in a convivial round.
Radio Swiss Jazz is a music programme of the Swiss Broadcasting Corporation SRG SSR. Our repertoire features around 8,000 titles, with an average share of 50 percent of music related to Switzerland.
Telefon: +41 58 134 60 30
Adres: Novarastrasse 2, 4002, Basel
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