Hospital Radio Lynn słuchaj online

We play great music throughout the day especially for you with 2 hours of requests and dedications weekdays and Sunday from 8pm.

Information about the radio

Hospital Radio Lynn was established in 1974 for patients of the General Hospital, St James Hospital (where the studio was located), Hardwick Road Hospital and Chatterton House. Shortly after the Queen Elizabeth Hospital was built, our studio was moved to its grounds in 1980.

In 2019, we celebrated our 45th Anniversary by launching our services to the world, online and on smart speakers.


Telefon: 01553 613456
Adres: Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Gayton Road, King's Lynn PE30 4ET
Instagram: @hospitalradiolynn
Facebook: @hospitalradiolynn
Twitter: @hospradiolynn
call the studio: *800 (free from your bedside phone) or 01553 613454.

To text the studio: Send a text to 07849384470 (charged at your usual rate)

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