Tipperary Mid West Radio słuchaj online

Tipperary Mid West Community Radio is a radio station serving Tipperary, Cashel and south county Tipperary on 104.8fm, 106.7fm and online. We broadcast music, local news, gig guides, Tipperary death notices and a variety of programmes of interest to the local community.


Email: reception@tippmidwestradio.com
Telefon: +353 62 52555
Adres: St. Michael Street, Tipperary, Co. Tipperary
Strona: www.tippmidwestradio.com
Facebook: @tippmidwestradio
Twitter: @tippmidwest

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Gatunki: pop news country sports

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Paul Guerin, 2 lata temu
Coming over loud and clear over here in London Norman great show every morning takes me back to tipp every day give my best wishes to Shelly Guerin working in Tipp town great music Norman your sister Louise is a big hit in our house especially when y...
Timothy Ryan, 2 lata temu
Wonderful station. I am hearing it in O'Regan's Newfoundland Canada.
User, 2 lata temu
Louise Morrissey is amazing. I’ve only missed 2 shows since she started due to being in hospital. Could we have more shows from Louise every week. X
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