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The Best Songs Ever Made!

Classic Rock Florida
Less Talk and More Rock

San Francisco's 70's HITS!
Live from San Francisco

Beatles Radio
We are all about the Beatles.

50 Years of Hits

88.5 KEOM
Noncommercial, educational, community service station

The Retro Attic
Internet radio guide to the 50's through the 70's

WHPC 90.3 FM
The Voice of Nassau Community College

Music Mike's Flashback Favorites

Starflight Radio The Mix
A Better Mix Of Music

M4BCC Radio
Six decades of variety!

Ken Versa's Power Hit Radio
The Power Of All Hit Music

Smooth Radio
Your Relaxing Music Mix

Gold Radio
The Greatest Hits Of All Time

Rother Radio
Love Local, Love Music!

Hit Music Radio
The Best Variety of Hits!

Радіо Relax
Легке та спокійне радіо

radio GOLD
Die Musik meines Lebens!

Radio DarkFire
Musik aus den alternativen Genres

The weekend start here !

Dein Webradio

1.FM - Love Classics
Music's greatest love-stories radio

Difusora Prime FM
Bom gosto, estilo, informações relevantes

Radio Nowy Świat
Pion i poziom!

Radio Szczecin
Porcja najświeższych wieści z regionu, rozmowy z ciekawymi ludźmi i dużo dobrej muzyki

Radio 357
Najlepszy radiowy adres na świecie!

Rádio Lobal FM
O Mundo Em Suas Mãos

FM Hits 80s
Hits de los 80s... hasta hoy

Escucha abcrockrdio y vive los 60`s 70`s, 80`s, 90&`s y más

Curtin Radio
A Lifetime of Music

Sunshine FM 104.9
The Sunshine Coast’s radio station

The Breeze 100.6
More music, less talk

Rebel 99.4 FM
Real Rock Music Every Day

Vintage FM
It Is All About the Music

Radio QDX
Timeless Rock and Roll

Rock N Roll Oldies Radio
Rock, Pop, Soul Oldies! Cool!!

Transmitindo qualidade!

P9 Retro
Den beste musikken fra 60- og 70-tallet.

Radio ROX
Oslos radiokanal for rock og pop!

Radio 10
Het radiostation met de grootste hits aller tijden

Radio Veronica
Het station met alleen maar échte muziek

Radio Swiss Pop
Pop and Rock. 24 hours a day. Music Pure.

Retro FM
Kuula Eesti ainust retrojaama siit!

Ireland's Classic Hits
Classic Hits - Dublin, Cork, Limerick, Galway & Clare