630 The Fan słuchaj online
KFXD (630 kHz) is a commercial AM radio station licensed to serve Boise, Idaho. The station is owned by Townsquare Media. It airs a sports format using the name "Sports Radio 630 The Fan" using programming from Fox Sports Radio.
Email: power105boise@gmail.com
Telefon: +1 208-344-6363
Adres: 827 E Park Blvd, Boise
Strona: powerboise.com
Instagram: @630thefan
Facebook: @Power105Boise
Twitter: @power105boise
Telefon: +1 208-344-6363
Adres: 827 E Park Blvd, Boise
Strona: powerboise.com
Instagram: @630thefan
Facebook: @Power105Boise
Twitter: @power105boise
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