Smooth Jazz South Florida słuchaj online
Smooth Jazz South Florida was founded by musicians for musicians. We began broadcasting in August 2018 and today everyone’s invited to the party.
To our listeners and artists it’s all about the music and we welcome your input.
We provide a platform for listeners to decide what is great music. While for artists we create the buzz of opportunity.
Information about the radio
Our radio station is run by musicians. Importantly, we don’t have commercially generated playlists governed by corporate suits.To our listeners and artists it’s all about the music and we welcome your input.
We provide a platform for listeners to decide what is great music. While for artists we create the buzz of opportunity.
Telefon: +1-954-772-249-1175
Adres: PO Box 9175 Fort Lauderdale 33310
Facebook: @wsjpdb
Twitter: @jazz_south
Telefon: +1-954-772-249-1175
Adres: PO Box 9175 Fort Lauderdale 33310
Facebook: @wsjpdb
Twitter: @jazz_south
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smooth jazz