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2oceansFM Community Radio is based in Augusta, Western Australia. Their aim is to inspire local involvement in the production and presentation of information and entertainment relevant to the Augusta community. They look forward to entertaining, informing and most important of all, hearing from you, the listener.

Контакты радиостанции

Email: info@2oceansfm.com.au
Телефон: +61 8 9758 0002
Сайт: 2oceansfm.com.au
Facebook: @2oceansFM
Twitter: @2oceansFM

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Жанры: news talk

Спасибо. Ваш отзыв отправлен и будет опубликован после проверки.


Phil Coates, 3 года назад
Oye boys, cool pair of ratbags. Good guys
John Long, 3 года назад
Hey Tom n Eric TEAM (all music)... cool
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