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Titan Radio broadcasts worldwide at www.titanradio.org as a non-profit organization at California State University, Fullerton. Titan Radio is a student-operated CSUF campus resource overseen by Titan Communications. Titan Radio provides currently enrolled CSUF students with support of their extra curricular activities in broadcasting and provides hands-on portfolio building experience. DJs hand-pick our music, targeting a broad and diverse audience of students from all disciplines at Cal State Fullerton, a university with over 37,000 students, and seeks to draw listers with a wide variety of tastes from all parts of the world.

Контакты радиостанции

Email: titanradio-web@fullerton.edu
Телефон: +1 657-278-5505
Адрес: 800 N. State College Blvd. Fullerton, CA 92831
Сайт: www.titanradio.org
Facebook: @titanradio
Twitter: @TitanRadio

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Жанры: variety education

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