Dubplate.fm - Dub & Bass online dinle

Dubplate.fm - online radio and media hosting services. Playing the latest in electronic music with a focus on bass oriented genres and streaming live from the club.

Information about the radio

Dubplate.fm is an online radio station and content service for dj's and producers. We value Canadian artists and pride ourselves on maintaining over 50% Canadian dj's. Based in Toronto and Vancouver, Dubplate.fm places a focus on streaming live events from the club. Offering you a VIP booth in the comfort of your home.

Radyo istasyonunun kişileri

Email: info@dubplate.fm
İnternet sitesi: dubplate.fm
Facebook: @Dubplate.fm
Twitter: @dubplatefm

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Türler: dubstep

Teşekkür ederim. İncelemeniz eklendi ve incelemeden sonra yayınlanacak.


Эдуард Зиннатов, 3 yıl önce
Dark Dubstep - прикольно
Benzer istasyonlar

Cep telefonunuzdaki radyo

Cep telefonunuzdaki radyo