Radio Skipper online dinle

Radio Skipper broadcasting live 24/7 Oldies and Classic 80's and 90's hits!!! Come listen to your favorite music from the yesteryear's all song by the original artists!!!

Information about the radio

Radio Skipper is a Young and Fresh "INTERNET ONLY" radio station, broadcasting live 24/7 Oldies and Classic 80's and 90's hits!!! Come listen to your favorite music from the yesteryear's all song by the original artists!!! Our quality standards streams are 128 kbps in mp3 and wma and the new digital aacPlus v2 at 40 kbps (ideal for slow connections). If you love the FANTASTIC music of these era's Tune in Now, you have finally found your radio station..... Radio Skipper the 80's Channel!

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Türler: 80s oldies 90s

Teşekkür ederim. İncelemeniz eklendi ve incelemeden sonra yayınlanacak.


Myriam Coache, 3 yıl önce
un peu d’originalité en ce mois de mai... une chanson de noël !!! En direct Wham! Last Christmas
Boris Morew, 3 yıl önce
Radio Skipper doesn’t miss a beat from David Bowie to U2 and icons like Phil Collins and Pat Benatar. Skipper energizes and entertains to the MAX! Thx guys!!