WWR - The World Web Radio online dinle

Broadcast your music on the radio is very easy, but it is very difficult to convey emotions. WWR is pure emotion, all the greatest hits of all time collected in a single radio station, from the 50s to the present day, from pop to blues, all the songs to make you remember the times that were.

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İnternet sitesi: www.theworldwebradio.net
Facebook: @worldwebradio
Twitter: @worldwebradio

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Türler: retro

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Benzer istasyonlar
1000 HITS 80s

1000 HITS 80s

All big hits from 80s music

Megaton Cafe Radio

Megaton Cafe Radio

The Best Music From the 1920s to 1950s!

Amazing Classic Hits

Amazing Classic Hits

Go back to the days, live a Classic Day!

DooWop Café

DooWop Café

The music of the past that you want to hear today

Cep telefonunuzdaki radyo

Cep telefonunuzdaki radyo