Monte Carlo Doualiya слухати онлайн

Monte Carlo Doualiya est une station d'info et de musique en langue arabe, diffusée à partir de Paris, France.
Monte Carlo Doualiya, formerly known as RMC Middle East, is a French public radio station but mainly an Arabic-speaking station, broadcasting in many locations throughout the Middle East and North Africa on AM and FM from Paris. It was founded in 1972 and, like Radio France Internationale (RFI) is part of France Médias Monde, the French international public broadcaster.

Radio Monte-Carlo started broadcasting in 1973, and was created by Sofirad.

At the end of 1996, Sofirad sold RMC Moyen-Orient to Radio France Internationale (itself owned by the French state).

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Facebook: @Monte.Carlo.Doualiya

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