Dairi FM Cirebon słuchaj online

Radio Dairi FM is the well known radio channel located at the place of Cirebon, Indonesia. It includes the main genre of Islamic knowledge as a method to transmit a beneficial growth for young individuals. Dairi maximally wants to be being much and more brilliant, having powerful trust and commitment. Moreover currently in the town of Cirebon in particular is still the very unusual existence of radio reproduction. There is a little time frame restrict and the age restricts. Entertainment as it does not mean just songs and experiences. But enjoyment is all that can please and amuse the people who are experiencing it.


Telefon: 0231-210872
Adres: Jalan Satria no. 1 Kesambi
Strona: www.radiodairicirebon.com
Facebook: @876dairifmcirebon
Twitter: @dairiFM_cirebon

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Gatunki: pop top40

Dziękuję Ci. Twoja recenzja została wysłana i zostanie opublikowana po weryfikacji.


kang Arif, 3 lata temu
Kak puterin lagunya RAN dOnk jdul nya apa ajj dekh yg penting RAN ya ..salam"nya buat yg mndengarkan saja .. Oke mkasih kak
Anis Fajar Sulistyono, 3 lata temu
Sore kakak request lagu Sinaran Hati dong dr Anzhei salam nya buat ratna di pekayon. Makasih
Nia Sugianto, 3 lata temu
Siang Menjelang sore kk rikwes dong lagu baru y nagita slavina, slm y wt wong cirebon aj, wt peyiar y ttep semangat y??
SHOLIKHIN FIT, 3 lata temu
Radio yang konsisten mengusung lagu-lagu pop Indonesia dan yang pasti cocok buat menemani saat beraktifitas dan santai, Maju terus Dairi FM Cirebon.
Hilfi Sihab, 3 lata temu
Ka reques, Fiersa Besari Melawan Hati, salam buat keluarga dan teman² dari Hilfi Kesambi, dan semoga berkah dan maju terus Dairi FM Cirebon aamiin
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