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WLVQ - QFM 96.3 Iconic Rock! Weekdays featuring the Torg & Elliott Morning Show with Kristie Kemper, followed by Laura Palmer in middays, Archie in afternoons, Doug Risher and Trapper at night.


Telefon: 614-821-9696
Faks: 614-451-1831
Adres: 4401 Carriage Hill Lane, Columbus, Ohio 43220
Strona: qfm96.com
Instagram: @qfm96wlvq
Facebook: @qfm96
Twitter: @QFM963
Business Line: 614-451-2191


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Jerry Morgan, 4 lata temu
QFM is awesome however Rush and The Who SUCK!!!! quit playing them in the morning and ruining the day. Tell TORG to check his attitude LOL
james fry, 4 lata temu
Listen in car all the time
Tangeretta Tilley, 4 lata temu
There is other classic rock besides The Who
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